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Friday 30th January produced the most lovely summer weather for a fine ride attended by approx 80 people. Friendly vibe, police cyclists keeping us together and a bunch of cool kids setting the pace at the front. A great start to 2009!
Friday 27th February, 2009
Ride time and location[]
5.15pm Franklin Square (Cnr Maquarie & Elizabeth St), Hobart
Hobart Critical Mass begins at Franklin Square on the last Friday of every month, meeting at 5:15pm. Hobart Critical Mass is a social 45 minute ride through the city streets, concluding at Salamanca Place for the regular live music held in Salamanca Square. In 2008, Critical mass has become quite active with high turn outs for every event. It has also taken on a strong aim of raising awareness about cycling in Hobart and promoting the further development of cycling infrastructure in and around Hobart. Hobart Critical Mass is a peaceful event, which aims not to obstruct or aggravate other road users, but to promote cycling as a great form of transport. All cyclists are welcome to ride with the group, as it provides a safe environment for those new to cycling to become confident on the city roads.
Promotion Tips, Fliers and Posters[]
Posters for Oct, Nov, Dec, 2008
Poster courteously please, (avoid private property without permission)
- Critical Mass Hobart facebook group
The central point for online riders - details, discussion boards etc
July Ride 2008 on camera http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKo2j3AzZeQ
August Ride 2008 Promo http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=BgnBEpSJ4Jw&feature=related
August Ride 2008 Video http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=cRmV1OnNLU4
September Ride 2008 Video http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=pskmQ9ojrN4
October Ride 2008 Video http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=g5eFksf0a3w
Ideas, Concerns, Feedback, Questions[]
Regular Riders Check this weekly so fire away!!
This was published in the Mercury Letters section on Tuesday 4th November:
'JOIN THE RIDE If the police must escort the monthly Critical Mass bike ride around a predetermined route (which is against the whole ethos of Critical Mass in the first place), can they at least do it on bicycles, not in a four-wheel drive carrying five officers? Get with the sustainability program. Anonymous' West Hobart
Media Reports[]
Photo of the Feb 08 Ride: http://www.pbase.com/kingshill/image/93559675/original
- Mercury, February 28, 2008, Bike riders geared for city protest by David Killick
Feb 08 Ride Photos: http://www.newsphotos.com.au/ImageDetail.asp?RefNum=96023819
- Mercury, August 26, 2008, Cyclists peddle message on need for safer routes by MICHELLE PAINE
August Ride 08: http://cfsmtb.net/2008/09/01/hobart-gets-on-its-bike-finally/
August Ride 08: Tasmanian Times: http://tasmaniantimes.com/index.php?/weblog/article/so-what-is-critical-mass/
Melbourne Talks about Hobart: http://www.melbournecyclist.com/forum/topic/show?id=1684380%3ATopic%3A19690&page=1&commentId=1684380%3AComment%3A19767&x=1#1684380Comment19767
A report on Critical Mass in Hobart in October 2006 http://www.biketas.org.au/Spoke/2005/SPOKE-2005-02.pdf
A report of a Critical Mass ride in 2004: http://www.tasmedia.org/node/94
Oops, someone is onto us: http://www.flickr.com/photos/32614668@N00/3158181255/
RIDE DIARY - The Monthly Report[]
30th January, 2009: 80 Riders The most beautiful of summery afternoons kept a lot of folk happy for the first ride of 2009. Tasmanian senator Christine Milne spoke of the fantastic benefits to society of making cycling more available to people through safer environments and provision of infrastructure. With a 'seat bag' and 'superflash rear light' as spot prizes to a couple of lucky winners, the children on the ride set the pace with the police cyclists keeping them in check for a repeat of the December route traveling out along Sandy Bay road and through the narrow streets of Battery Point. Big thanks to Hobart City Council Aldermen Bill Harvey and Helen Burnett for their monthly commitment!
Critical Mass to Falls 29 + 30th December: 10 riders
Small turnout for a huge festival but a sign of things to come. With the traffic congestion following the festival, people might be persuaded to think twice about driving at the end of this year!
19th December, 2008: 130 Riders
One of the first fine days for a Courteous Critical Mass ride this year enjoyed a big gathering of Christmassy decorated bikes at Franklin Square. Helen Burnett from the Hobart City Council facilitated some bike themed Christmas carol singing and handed out two sets of lights and a reflective ankle band as spot prizes. 30 packs of reflective tape and 20 puncture kits were distributed and 6 police bicyclists and a car showed up to help out on the ride. The route was extended to include Sandy Bay Rd and tackled the steep Bath St before joining the crowds at Salamanca. A fantastic finish to 11 consecutive rides in Hobart. Bring on Next year!!
28th November, 2008: 60 Riders A week of rain, drizzle and cloud didnt exactly help the cycling population show much of their colours in the week leading up to Critical Mass. But a great group of people chose to stick around the CBD with their bikes despite the rain/cold. Lisa Singh, our new minister for Workplace relations, corrections and consumer protection congratulated everyone on their stoic efforts for the health of themselves and Hobart, and joined the ride for 1/2 an hour. Several people brightened up their bikes with the free reflective tape on offer afterwards.
31st October 2008: 180 Riders A weather forecast of rain and wind didn't hold back the big croud that gathered at Franklin Square for spot prizes given out by Hobart Mayor Rob Valentine and Tas Heart Foundation CEO Graeme Lynch. The ride travelled the usual route extending past salamanca to include the wharf area before ending at Banjos Salamanca Square. Apologies to a family who were seperated from the group at some point during the ride, a couple of new things will hopefully be brought in next ride to avoid this happening. The Lord Mayor spoke at Salamanca afterwards of the importance in contributing to the Sandy Bay to Taroona walk/cycleway consultation. Free refeshments and snacks were provided. Thanks to all the wonderful participants.
September 2008: 70 Riders. Not only did the wind blow and the rain pour in the 2 weeks leading up, but it rained consistently all day on the Friday, clearing up at 4pm for an incredible turnout considering the weather! Spot prizes and Fruit on offer as well as puncture repair kits and reflective vests as freebies.
August 2008: 170 Riders. Attended by new Tasmanian Premier Cyclist, David Bartlett, Opposition Leader Will Hodgman, Greens Leader Nick McKim, Hobart Lord Mayor Rob Valentine, Kingborough Mayor Graham Bury and Hobart City Council Aldermen Bill Harvey and Helen Burnett. Fantastic turnout and a law abiding ride for 45 minutes with full police co-operation and facilitation. All politicians expressed a desire to increase cyclist safety in Hobart and Tasmania.
July 2008: 50 Riders. This was the turn of the Winter Darkness and an increase from the 20 riders in June. The Ride gracefully rolled by a stretch limo hummer at Salamanca.
June 2008: 20 riders
May 2008: 65 riders
April 2008: 40 riders
March 2008: 30 riders
February 2008: Approx 150-200 riders
eg. Taking up only one lane, riding a predictable and regular route, abiding by all road rules, co-operating with police, stopping at traffic lights and not corking (blocking the road to allow cyclists through in a continuous stream)
Everyone rides for different reasons, whether they be to have some fun, save the world or promote bicycle use. Ultimately, the purpose we see for a Critical mass ride in Hobart at a busy time of day in the middle of the city is to help people realise that they too could jump on a bike quite easily. If the ride is a celebration of the bicycle, why would we not want to keep it strictly positive.
Other road users: Sitting in a car, in a hurry, in a congested city is a major cause of anxiety and stress. Why add to that by visibly and purposefully obstructing traffic?
Most people who ride a bike probably don't make it to Critical Mass! By antagonising other road users we are contributing to the negative experiences cyclists are subject too from a minority of motorists with no respect. That isn't fair to other cyclists.
Cyclists make up less that 0.06% of Hobart road users according to the city council. Why start a war we can only loose by creating a negative perception in the majorities eyes.
Despite best intentions, acting self righteously and superiorly by making a statement through breaking road rules everyone else has to abide by, make us look bad....full stop!
4. FUN
Anarchy, illegal and dangerous actvities might be fun for some, but for most of us, they arn't a turn on!
Adhering to the rule of law is fairly easy and simple! Adhering to a code of illegal conduct not organised by anyone is complicated, requires good co-ordination and lots of people in the know.
The better behaved cyclists are, the safer they should be. For children and older people especially, acting in a courteous way wins on safety, as it removes a lot of un safe variables.
If the ride is legal, fun and positive. Good people will be attracted to it!
Setting the stage for confrontations is very risky. By breaking traffic laws, we could really frustrate some people to the point of over reaction. We would be the guilty party, because we broke the law!
'If a man be courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world'
All the above points should definitely help the Hobart ride become a monthly calender event for the whole city to get active. After all, isnt that the point? Why strive to be a minority by not acting courteously?
Location Map[]
Find a map of the current route on google maps.
- World Naked Bike Ride, Australia Website
- World Naked Bike Ride Australia Wiki website
- World Naked Bike Ride, Australia Yahoo group
More Biketivism links at the Yahoo group
Location information[]
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